Mentors Are SuperHeroes

People frequently say "I don't have what it takes to be a mentor", and they think that somehow only 'superheroes' can become mentors. Of course, this is not true!

How can you unmask your inner hero?

Read more.........................................................

You can become a hero by spending time with a child:

  • Learning to bait a fish hook
  • Reading together
  • Playing catch
  • Building a friendship

LAMP currently has youth waiting to be matched with someone like YOU!
Even though you may not feel like a superhero-a child will most likely see you as one!
Please call today, to find out how you can become a mentor!


Children with Mentors are:

  • 53% less likely to skip school
  • 46% less likely to start using drugs
  • 27% less likely to start drinking
  • 33% less likely to engage in school violence, and are improving relationships and academic performance.
Better Community One Child At A Time
Mission Statement

To connect youth with caring adults by promoting a relationship that provides mentoring, support, friendship and guidance.
Who Can Become A Mentor?

Individuals - Couples - Families.
What does LAMP do?

We match volunteer adult partners (mentors), with a child between the ages of 5-17, who has common interests.
LAMP serves Meeker County, MN residents.